Your mind has a powerful impact on your physical health.
Medical practitioners and scientists speak and write about it, and research is freely available to show you the incredible mind body connection.
By training your mindset to new perspectives, you can support your body and wellness.
By using positive affirmations consistently and repetitively you are guiding your mind to focus on health instead of illness, balance instead of imbalance, acceptance and allowing instead of confusion and resistance.
Affirmations for health that work through shifting your perspectives in this way, also create positive flow on effects in soothing and elevating your emotional state…

120 Affirmations for Health & Healing
- My body is healing and becoming stronger every day.
- I am grateful for my healthy body and mind.
- My body is a miracle that constantly heals itself.
- I trust my body's ability to heal itself.
- I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes healing.
- My body is a temple, and I treat it with love and care.
- I am at peace with my body, and it responds with good health.
- I am grateful for all the blessings that support my health and well-being.
- My body is full of vitality and energy.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health.
- I am a beacon of health and vitality.
- My body is a powerful healing machine.
- I am blessed with a strong immune system.
- I nourish my body with healthy food and thoughts.
- I am grateful for every breath I take, and my lungs are strong and healthy.
- I am surrounded by love and support that aid in my healing.
- My body is a reflection of my positive thoughts and actions.
- My mind and body are in perfect harmony, and I am healthy and whole.
- I am grateful for the healing power of nature.
- I am confident in my body's ability to heal itself.
- My body is a miracle, and I am grateful for its resilience.
- I am surrounded by positivity and love that promote healing.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices.
- I am grateful for the gift of good health and healing.
- I am blessed with a healthy and strong body.
- My body is a vessel for love and healing energy.
- My thoughts and actions support my body's natural healing process.
- I am surrounded by positive affirmations that promote health and healing.
- My body is constantly renewing and rejuvenating itself.
- I am filled with gratitude for my healthy and vibrant body.
- My body is a temple, and I treat it with love and respect.
- I trust my body's innate ability to heal itself.
- My body is a source of strength and vitality.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that supports my well-being.
- My mind and body are in perfect balance, and I am healthy and whole.
- I am filled with positive thoughts and emotions that promote health and healing.
- My body is a beautiful expression of my inner well-being.
- I am surrounded by loving and supportive people who promote my health and healing.
- My body is a temple, and I care for it with kindness and compassion.
- I am grateful for every opportunity to nurture and heal my body.
- My body is a masterpiece that constantly evolves and transforms.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that nourishes my mind, body, and soul.
- My body is a reflection of my positive thoughts and actions.
- I am blessed with a healthy and strong immune system.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and healing.
- My body is a powerful healing machine that constantly regenerates itself.
- I trust my body's natural ability to heal and restore itself.
- I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes health and well-being.
- My mind and body are in perfect harmony, and I am healthy and whole.
- I am grateful for every opportunity to improve my health and well-being.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices and actions.
- I am surrounded by love and support that promote my healing and well-being.
- My body is a beautiful and miraculous creation.
- I am grateful for the healing power of rest and relaxation.
- My body is resilient and strong, and I am grateful for its ability to heal.
- I trust the natural healing process of my body and mind.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that promotes my health and well-being.
- My body is a vessel for love and light, and I radiate positive energy.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality.
- I am blessed with a healthy and strong heart that beats with love and compassion.
- My body is a temple, and I care for it with love and devotion.
- I am surrounded by supportive and caring people who promote my health and healing.
- My body is a reflection of my inner state of well-being, and I radiate positivity and health.
- I am grateful for the abundance of natural remedies and therapies that promote my healing.
- My body is a work of art that constantly evolves and improves.
- I am surrounded by positive thoughts and emotions that promote my health and well-being.
- My body is a powerful healing machine that constantly regenerates itself.
- I trust the natural healing process of my body and mind, and I allow it to unfold.
- I am grateful for every opportunity to learn and grow in my journey of healing and well-being.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices and actions every day.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality that I experience every day.
- I am blessed with a strong and healthy body that supports me in every aspect of my life.
- My body is a reflection of my inner state of peace, love, and happiness.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that nourishes my body, mind, and soul.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am grateful for all its wonderful abilities and functions.
- I trust the natural healing power of my body and mind, and I allow it to guide me towards optimal health and well-being.
- I am surrounded by positive affirmations and thoughts that promote my health and healing.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with regular exercise, healthy food, and positive thoughts.
- I am grateful for the abundance of natural resources that promote my healing and well-being.
- My body is a beautiful expression of my inner state of happiness and joy.
- I am surrounded by positive and loving people who support my health and healing.
- My body is a powerful healing machine that constantly rejuvenates and revitalizes itself.
- I trust my body's natural healing process, and I allow it to unfold in its own time.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality that I experience every day.
- My body is a temple, and I care for it with love, respect, and gratitude.
- I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes my health and well-being in every way.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am blessed to have such a wonderful vessel for my soul.
- I trust the natural healing power of my body and mind, and I allow it to guide me towards optimal health and well-being.
- I am grateful for every opportunity to learn and grow in my journey of healing and well-being.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices, self-care, and positive affirmations.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality that I experience every day.
- My body is a reflection of my inner state of peace, love, and happiness.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that nourishes my body, mind, and soul.
- My body is a powerful healing machine that constantly regenerates and renews itself.
- I trust the natural healing process of my body and mind, and I allow it to unfold in its own time.
- I am blessed with a healthy and strong immune system that protects me from harm.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices, regular exercise, and positive thoughts.
- I am surrounded by positive energy that promotes my health and well-being in every way.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am grateful for all its wonderful abilities and functions.
- I am filled with gratitude for the abundance of natural remedies and therapies that support my healing and well-being.
- My body is a reflection of my inner state of peace, love, and harmony.
- I am surrounded by positive affirmations and thoughts that promote my health and healing.
- My body is a temple, and I care for it with love, respect, and kindness.
- I trust the natural healing power of my body and mind, and I allow it to guide me towards optimal health and well-being.
- I am blessed with a strong and healthy body that serves me in every aspect of my life.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am grateful for its resilience and adaptability.
- I am surrounded by healing energy that promotes my health and well-being in every way.
- My body is a powerful healing machine that constantly renews and rejuvenates itself.
- I trust the natural healing process of my body and mind, and I allow it to unfold in its own time.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality that I experience every day.
- My body is a temple, and I honor it with healthy choices, regular exercise, and positive thoughts.
- I am surrounded by positive energy that supports my healing and well-being in every way.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am grateful for all its wonderful abilities and functions.
- I trust the natural healing power of my body and mind, and I allow it to guide me towards optimal health and well-being.
- I am surrounded by loving and supportive people who promote my health and healing.
- My body is a temple, and I care for it with love, respect, and gratitude.
- I trust the natural healing process of my body and mind, and I allow it to unfold in its own time.
- I am blessed with a healthy and strong body that supports me in every aspect of my life.
- My body is a magnificent creation, and I am grateful for its amazing ability to heal and restore itself.
- I am filled with gratitude for the gift of good health and vitality that I experience every day.
Positive Affirmations for Health & Wellness Audio
The audio below has been made with loving energy, and contains 120 positive affirmations for health and healing.
Self love goes hand-in-hand with healing, make sure to also check out 50 Spiritual Self-Love Affirmations.
List of Affirmations for Health and Healing from the Audio
Below you'll find all the affirmations from the above audio in case you're a visual person and you like to see them in written format.
These affirmations for health have been separated into “themes”, in case you want to zone in on a particular area that resonates or that you struggle with.
Mind Body Connection
- The cells of my body are listening to me
- I speak to my body with positive intent
- My body takes its lead from me
- My mind has a powerful healing affect on my body
- I choose thoughts of total wellness
- I thank my body for all the messages it gives me
- I am grateful that my body tells me when something needs adjusting
- I listen to the intuition I have about my healing
- I trust myself
- I am a powerful creator of my health and wellbeing
- I talk to the cells of my body in a loving way
- My body is infinitely intelligent and has the capability to support itself
- I consciously create mental and emotional balance, helping my body's natural healing mechanisms to function
- I live in a quantum reality and my body heals in miraculous ways
- My mind is calm, my breathing is deep and steady, my body is listening to my healing intent
- My thoughts are my sacred territory and I get to choose which direction I focus them, and they are powerful
- I support my wellness with meditation, visualization and positive uplifting perspectives
- My body is listening to my self-talk and I speak to it lovingly
Environment & Nourishment
- I am hydrated
- I am nourished
- My environment supports my health
- I consume nourishing, alive, food from nature
- Water gives life to my body
- Sunshine illuminates my soul and supports my health
- I sleep well
- I feel energized
- Fresh food from nature nourishes my body
- When I sleep all the cells of my body work together in rejuvenation
See Your Healed Self
- I am healed
- I am well and vibrant
- I see myself surrounded by bright healing light
- I hold the vision of myself smiling, light, active and thriving
- I am balanced
- I am loving
- I surround myself with pictures of me at my healthiest state
- I relate to myself as the most healthy and shining version of myself
- I focus on my end state healed self
- Each cell in my body is balanced
- The fully healed, healthy and glowing me already exists and I choose that me
- I imagine my body lit up with bright white healing light
- I see myself as fully healthy in my imagination
- My imagination helps to create my reality
- I give my attention to a future scenario I want, one that inspires me and represents my fullest potential
- I am as healthy and beautiful as the day I was born
- My thoughts focus on visions of me well, fit, healthy and glowing
- When I daydream I see myself at my highest potential
- I am holistically balanced in mind, body and soul
Life Affirming Choices
- I say yes to all things that support holistic wellness
- I say no to things that do not serve me
- I courageously choose balance in my life for my mind body and soul
- I choose health
- I breathe into any discomfort
- Deep, slow breathing relaxes me
- I consume positive information, material, entertainment and conversations
- I regenerate and heal each moment of each day
- I choose health
- I choose healing
- I choose life
- I choose myself
Letting Go & Emotional Release
- I am released of all past happenings and am fully present in the now moment
- I acknowledge the messages my feelings are giving to me
- I let all feelings flow freely through me
- I allow myself to express how I feel
- I forgive myself and others for all that I have previously been holding onto
- I send love to all those who have ever challenged me, may they be healed and balanced in their own life
- I send love to all those who have ever helped me, may they be healed and balanced in their own life
- I share my emotions openly, releasing that energy from my body
- I am free of the past and live fully in the present
- I speak up
- I express out my emotional energy
- I forgive myself, others and all that has happened in my life, I am free and my body lives fully in the present
- I learn from everything that happens in my life
Own Your Power
- I trust my own intuition
- I am the leader of my healthcare team
- I get to write my own story
- I choose to make this day my own and to speak words that create a reality I enjoy
- I am the master of my path, the captain of my ship
- I am comfortable, supported and connected
- I am self-expressed and I am heard
- I am proud of who I am
- I believe in myself
Self Care & Self Love
- When I rest all the cells of my body relax and come together as a team
- I love my body
- I love myself deeply and completely
- Love is here for me
- Support is everywhere
- I surround myself with loving people, situations and messages
- I have compassion and love for my body
- I am radiant
- I am kind to myself
- I am courageous, positive and filled with self belief
- When my body sends me a message, I pause, breathe into it and imagine light flushing through my body
- Love is the answer
- I love myself unconditionally
- I love my body and am grateful for it
Gratitude & Joy
- I see all the blessings in my life
- I am grateful and that gratitude attitude supports my wellbeing
- I laugh often
- Fun and play are a priority in my life
- Joy is a healing state for my body
- I put myself with people and in places that are conducive to feeling good
Spiritual Truth
- I was born with the ability to heal myself at all levels
- I call into my life people, information and support that aligns to my fully healed body
- I am connected and divine
- I am a special soul who is here in this world to be fully expressed
- I am supported by love all around me
- I am surrounded by an entourage of spiritual guides and unconditional divine love
- All things are possible for me
- Imbalance is a trigger to help me back to balance
- All adversity contains gifts of learning and I wholeheartedly accept all learning and growth I am experiencing
- I take onboard support, advice, love and expertise from others and then trust my intuition and body about what is right for me
- I open my heart to what life and my body are telling me and supporting me to learn
- Health is my birthright
- Healing is now
- Wellness is my reality
- Every possibility exists for me always
- I believe in miracles, blessings and my souls ability to be fully vibrant right now
- All things are possible and I claim my highest possibilities
- My energy field is flowing freely, easy, vibrantly
- Love envelops me and soaks into every cell of my body recalibrating me to my original divine state
Recommended Books for Health & Healing
If the connection between your mind and your physical health interests you, there are 2 books I recommend reading.
Firstly Mind Over Medicine by Dr Lissa Rankin. This is an outstanding resource, to complement your journey alongside using positive affirmations for health.
Here is what Dr Rankin had to say in relation to her deep dive into the mind-body connection and it's impact on physical health…
“Mind-body medicine pioneers and leaders in the New Age movement have been spouting off about how the mind can heal the body for decades. As a skeptical, science-minded physician, I was intrigued, but I had my doubts. What ensued was a deep dive into the medical literature to find out if I could prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the mind can heal the body. Seeking to move the notion of self-healing from the realm of the magical or even metaphysical, I also searched for evidence of a clear physiological mechanism that explains how positive thoughts and emotions might translate into cure for the body. What I discovered blew my mind, shifted my paradigm about modern health care…” – Dr Lissa Rankin (excerpt from
Plus if you're interested in HOW retraining your beliefs and thoughts directly impacts the behavior of your genes and cells, which results in health outcomes, I also highly recommend Dr Bruce Lipton's book “The Biology of Belief”.
10 Responses
Love this…thank you! From Alicia
Awesome, you’re very welcome Alicia 🙂
hello. Do you offer the script to this audio download?
Thank you
Hi Paula, sorry this is only available in audio format. I hope the audio is helpful for you. Love and warmest wishes, Bernadette
Do you have any affirmations with regards to weight loss specifically ?
Thank u
Hi Elizabeth, yes certainly, please find below a link to the affirmations for weight loss and positive body image…
Hi Kristina, thanks for your message. Lovely to connect with you. So glad to share the affirmations audios with you. While I’m not currently creating any new affirmation resources, maybe in future if new ones are created we can put imagery to the words! That’s a beautiful idea. Thank you! Much love, B
Thank you for this inspiring information! This is exactly what I was hoping I would find when I Googled “positive affirmations for health and wellness” this morning. I pray that you will be able to continue your life’s mission in helping people heal their bodies and their minds.
Hey Kristine, so glad you found this and it was what you were looking for! Welcome and sending love your way! B