Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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3 Ways to Flip the Light Switch When You’re in the Dark

If only we could see ourselves as everyone else sees us, especially during those times when we are at our lowest emotionally, facing adversity and feeling stuck. Our potential, capability, wisdom and strength is no less real in those difficult times, yet it can feel a million miles away.

We are our own harshest critics. We are our own judge and jury. We see our development areas. We ask ourselves to do more, be more and get more. When we are facing challenges, we can completely forget what everyone else can see so clearly.

Other people see the light within us. Other people can often see many possible ways for us to walk forward and out of our own challenges. Sometimes we are just too close to our own issues to have a clear and truthful perspective of them, and to remember what we are capable of.

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being – Hafiz

Please remember whenever you are in the darkness, that even though you cannot see your own light, it doesn’t mean that it is not there. You have a deep well of wisdom and strength within you. You may just need support to tap into it.

Here are three short exercises you can do for yourself to put you back in touch with your own inner voice:

1. Advise a Loved One

Name someone you love dearly.

Bring an image of their face into your mind.

Imagine that person is currently facing the exact same difficult situation you are facing.

Now write down what you would tell that person:

  • What would you say to help lift them up emotionally?
  • What new perspective could you bring to the situation?
  • What suggestions might you give them to help them practically shift through their challenges?

Listen to your own words of wisdom. Trust it. Give yourself permission to take your own heart-felt guidance. Follow your light, it will guide you.

2. Revisit Your Triumphs

Recall every major challenge that you have faced in your life before.

Now write down what specific lessons you learnt from those situations that helped you to grow as a person:

  • What did you discover about yourself?
  • What did you learn about life?
  • How has it formed you into the person you are today?

Remember how you survived each one of those, and were able to walk forward despite the adversity, pressure and tests you faced. Your light within carried you. That same light still exists now.

3. Identify the Gift

Reflect on the challenges you face right now.

Now write down what they could possibly be here to teach you. Look for the gold nugget of learning that lies within the situation. There is at least one in every challenge.

  • How are the challenges making you stronger and wiser?
  • Have are the challenges forcing new found clarity about what you don't like and do like, about what you don't want and do want?
  • What are you learning about other people and life?
  • Knowing you will emerge out the other side of the challenges, in what areas of your life do you think you could apply the new learning, wisdom and strength for your own success in future?

Remembering that we learn from challenges brings a sense of purpose to what is otherwise a frustrating or painful experience. That learning will end up benefiting you, extending your wisdom and depth of character. In turn this will help you to contribute to anyone you come into contact with in the future. Your light can help other people who might face a similar darkness.

If you are experiencing challenges right now, here is another article to support you – 10 Facts to Radically Shift Your Perspective of Challenges

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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4 Responses

  1. I have been through a divorce raising my child on my own when her dad was abusive. I put my life on hold to raise my child and made every sacrifice possible. I have struggled financially and still am. I have been in a domestic situation as well and I have had numerous health issues and almost lost my life this year. There have been so many times when I wonder why am I here, why me? My daughter is now 20 and even though we look back at a hard life we are thankful for the experiences because it’s made us such better people. We have learned who we don’t want to be and are proud of who we are. If life was easier we wouldn’t be who we are. Don’t get me wrong I wish we didn’t struggle financially as we do and I wish my health was better and that life wasn’t as hard for us. But I am thankful to God for my blessings and knowledge I’ve learned the hard way. My daughter will always give me the same advice I give her and I know she’s right. She is now in Nursing school because she wants to help others…so proud of who she has become after going through so much but it’s what we learn from our paths that we need to hold onto. I see so many people running around to climb that ladder of success the higher paycheck but what they don’t realize is that it’s not money or career that makes us successful or happy it’s who we are inside and how we live our lives each day appreciating what’s around us.

    1. Hi Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing about your journey and it’s wonderful you can see how the challenges have forged you into the person you are – the strength within, the clarity of what is important to you, and the way you are able to now view life and help others because of what you’ve experienced. Of course, we all wish there were no challenges (!) but when they do arise, it’s our perspective of them, and particularly how we view them in relation to our possibilities, that makes the difference to the type of life we have. I send my warmest wishes to you and your daughter… may you be blessed with abundance in every way. B 🙂

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting Hitansu. Lovely to have you here. Sending you warmest wishes. Bernadette

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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