love languages

5 Love Languages Series: Acts Of Service

Acts of Service is the love language that often gets the bad rep. People sometimes say it’s “selfish” for someone to want things done for them. But it’s not. The key to this love language is to have consideration. When you put thought into what tasks to take off your loved one’s plate, you are serving him/her well.

To understand love languages see the introductory post here.

Adding to your loved one’s to-do list, becoming lazy, and dropping the ball on personal responsibilities are three things NOT to do for someone who feels loved by acts of service. Keep these things in mind if you start to sense frustration from your loved one. This love language requires the most effort because it takes thought, planning, and physical action. But remember, he/she is worth the extra time!

 How do I give acts of service?

  • Cook a meal.
  • Do the dishes.
  • Take over a difficult task.
  • Do the laundry.
  • Run errands.
  • Ask what responsibilities he/she would like you to handle.

Remember, little acts of service can go a long way! 

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Amanda Foust

Amanda Foust

Amanda is a wife, mother, writer, and certified life coach. Pen and paper make her spirit come alive. She spends her creative time reading, decorating, and handwriting fonts. Her world is better with an assortment of chocolate and a stack of books packed and ready for travel. She is a writer for Downs Ups & Teacups. When she's not writing, she's planning outdoor adventures with her husband and two children. She believes life feels best when it's truly lived!

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