Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?

Did you know that some people are wired differently to others and as a result are highly sensitive? 

Did you know that being highly sensitive is a gift?

And while it’s a gift, being highly sensitive in this intense world can also come with a raft of unique challenges!

Highly Sensitive People (HSP) experience life and this world differently to others.

It’s something I have been fascinated by for many years, as I have couple of HSPs in my family. ?

Maybe you’re highly sensitive, or you might know someone who is.

So today I’m sharing free resources with you from a wonderful expert in this area, Julie Bjelland. 

Julie is a Sensitivity Psychotherapist that specializes in the trait of high sensitivity found in 20% of the population. Known for her ability to teach people tools that calm the nervous system quickly, her mission is to teach HSPs how to balance and honor their sensitive nervous system, understand their incredible value, love who they are, and empower them to share their many HSP superpower gifts with the world!

Free Resources for the Highly Sensitive Person

Ever wondered if YOU are highly sensitive? 
Do Julie’s FREE Sensitivity Quiz to find out >>

Already know that you’re highly sensitive and looking for expert resources?
Check out Julie’s podcast for tips & tools helping sensitive people to navigate life >>

Below Julie explains fascinating facts about high sensitivity… 

“Sensory processing sensitivity is the scientific name of this trait and there is a lot of research that helps us understand it. Equal in gender, found in over 100 species and counting, this trait evolved as a survival strategy of the population. 

People with this trait have extra information, a supercomputer brain, are more intuitive and empathic, and can read micro-expressions, body language, and energy shifts that 80% of the population miss. 

There are even brain differences and many HSPs feel misunderstood and struggle with an overloaded nervous system which can create many challenges, such as anxiety, depression, overwhelm, high stress, and chronic health conditions. 

Fortunately, with the right understanding of the sensitive nervous system and tools to support it, HSPs can reduce their challenges and get access to the many superpowers and gifts of this trait. HSPs care a lot about the world and are often some of the kindest, most compassionate, courteous, and conscientious people and usually the first to jump in to help someone. The gifts of this trait evolved for a reason and are needed in the world and HSPs are amazing healers, artists, educators, creators, and leaders, especially when they know how to optimize their superpowers! 

highly sensitive person

HSPs are like Orchids when given the right set of conditions can bloom brilliantly in the world. Learning how to balance sensory sensitivities, practice the right type of self-care (different from 80%), learn to advocate, and honor needs can help optimize and bring out the amazing gifts of people with this trait.”  

Does this resonate?

Wondering if you are highly sensitive?

Take a moment and do Julie’s free Sensitivity Quiz here >>

Related Resources

DISCLOSURE: is a proud promotional partner of Julie Bjelland. We may receive affiliate referral commissions if purchases are made through the above links to Julie’s website. We only recommend personal growth resources that we wholeheartedly believe have the power to make a positive difference, and that we happily share with friends and family. We’re here to support you in living a positive life, helping you to move in a positive direction.

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Article Author

Bernadette Logue

Bernadette Logue

Bernadette Logue (known to everyone as "B") is a Spiritual Life Coach, supporting you to awaken your soul and rediscover the magic of life.
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