Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

If you're ready for transformative Spiritual Life Coaching with me find out more here.

Being Honest with Yourself – The Key to Rapid Positive Change

If you want to be happier, healthier, wealthier, more peaceful, successful and free, then challenge yourself today about whether you're really being honest with yourself.

  • Are there things you need to be sorting out in your life that you're not addressing?
  • Are there things in your life which are meaningful and important to you, and you're not making them a priority?

If you're not being honest with yourself about these two things, then you're cheating yourself.

No one else suffers as much as you do in this situation.

Everything you want for yourself and your life is on the other side of a door marked “getting real with yourself!”

There is NOTHING to be afraid of. By looking closely at what is most uncomfortable, you literally springboard forward in your life. Trust me! I do this for a living and every time I help someone see the areas they are ignoring and powerfully address them, AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN!

Being Honest with Yourself – It's Time to Get Real!

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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15 Responses

    1. Thank YOU for our beautiful message! You’re so sweet. I appreciate it, and thanks for being in our community. Love, Bx

  1. Brilliant video I love you. Yes you have helped. I have had a weekend from hell and your video perhaps explains why. Thank you. This might be a turning point in my life.

    1. Hey Emma, so glad this was timely and helped. Sending love your way. I hope you have a peaceful and restorative week. Bx

  2. Hi B,
    This was a timely video for me! I just recently had another blowup with my husband about our love life, or lack of. I always seem to initiate this conversation with him, although he’s aware that we’re not dealing with it, and don’t seem to know how to. I have to admit I’m 68, he’s 62, I have no libido and haven’t for quite a few years. He’s always had a greater sexual appetite than me but it didn’t seem to be too much of a problem till I lost mine. I “blame” him for not being affectionate without having to drag sex into it all the time. I also have to admit I’m not really sexually attracted to him any more. For me, getting together was more about having a family than him being a great lover. I sound like such a bitch when I admit these things to myself. I do love him. Is this something you can give me more advice on?

    1. Hey Cheryl
      I hear you and it’s a tough situation to be in but one that actually lots of couples face. While I don’t have any resources on the website on this topic, I’m happy to do a private coaching session with you on this if you want to dive deeper on the topic and work out a plan together for how to move forward. Reach out if that resonates. Love, B

      1. Hi B,
        Thank you so much for responding. I actually did pay for a private session awhile ago when you were changing your format, and wanted to talk about this but lost my nerve. I’m sure it’s expired by now. How would I go about doing a private coaching session now? I think a lot of your work and advice, and have benefited so much since finding you. Thank you.

        1. Hey – no problem at all. Email me at [email protected] Cheryl and we’ll get you booked in for a date/time for that session, I’ll send you a scheduling link and we’ll dive in! Love, B

  3. Hi B
    This video was just what I needed this morning – I have managed to face most of life’s challenges thrown at me so far and held it all together but now I am facing what I see to be the biggest challenge to me of all – growing older, becoming ‘redundant’, losing relevance, financial challenges etc. I want to deny and ignore every challenge, put a smile on my face and just say “it doesn’t matter” when in fact there is a large,heavy, aching area inside of my heart. You are so right, it is far better to face each and every ‘fear’ head-on and DO something about it. You are so motivating – thanks!

    1. Hi Shirley, sending big love to you, and glad this vid was helpful at this time for you. In case it’s useful, I find EFT (tapping) to be SO powerful, and you might find it useful also, for processing/releasing the feelings coming up (particularly that heavy aching feeling in the heart). Bx

  4. This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I always look forward to seeing you in my inbox. Thank you Bernadette. Big hugs xx

  5. Bernadette, I have experienced the difference when I really face something head on. Six months ago I assessed my financial situation and made a plan to get out of debt. That has had a major effect on many other aspects of my life and I feel so good about facing up to what I needed to do. I have always had an excellent credit rating, but still carried too much debt. Now I feel like I am ready to face another challenge. I have a beautiful craft room full of interesting supplies just waiting there for me to explore them. I retired two years ago, and keep putting off that journey in order to keep up with more practical things. Your presentation has encouraged me to take the next step. I look forward to your emails and inspiration. Thank you for being there for those of us who hear your message

    1. Hi Janis, so much respect for how you’re facing things head on to create progress, go you! Must be so empowering to do that with the finances and feeling great about that now, and exciting you’re about to dive into beautiful craft (sounds fun!!). Enjoy and thanks for being a part of our community. Much love, B

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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