Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

If you're ready for transformative Spiritual Life Coaching with me find out more here.

Creating a Personal Vision for a Compelling Future

Have you ever thought about creating a personal vision for yourself – one that would lead you into a compelling future that really inspires you?

Life is busy and it's all too easy to get caught up in the day to day routine, lost in your head, and forget that…

[clickToTweet tweet=”You are creating your future every moment by what you imagine. What you think about you bring about.” quote=”You are creating your future every moment by what you imagine. What you think about you bring about.”]

If you're just thinking about what you do right now, you'll get more of the same. That's great if you LOVE where you are right now and you want to stay there for the rest of your life.

If you worry about things you don't want, you'll get a dose of that too. That's definitely NOT ideal!

Instead, if you turn your attention and imagination to POSSIBILITIES that light you up, a future that feels compelling, then by doing so you actually make that future more AVAILABLE to you…

Creating a Personal Vision that Inspires You!

Let me know what you're creating! Share your personal vision with me in the comments below. I'd love to support you with positive energy to make that a reality.

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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17 Responses

  1. I’m loving this B because I thought you had stopped making these videos! So glad I felt the urge to check in wooooooooooo!

  2. I needed this today B! Thank you for inspiring me as always!!

    I am having the vision to move to a whole new level of enjoying my family and myself. I am desiring to create deep and lasting and meaningful traditions with my family and ensure I have sufficient time to take care of myself as well. I desire enough time to bring in all of the amazing ideas I have planned for my family and myself and also to find this fine balance between structure and flexibility that until now has felt pretty impossible. But I am going to open up and believe that is IS possible—that there is a solution—there is a way to do everything important to me—there is enough time to accomplish everything I need to do—and there IS a pattern/structure/rhythm that is structured yet flexible and thoroughly incorporates all the things that are important to me.

    1. Beautiful Jamie. LOVE your vision. And yes… there is a way, even if that way isn’t clear yet. Sometimes we live into the answer, we find the balance and the rhythm, step by step as we keep heart and mind open and play with life. Thank you for being in our community and for sharing. Much love to you and your family. Bx

  3. Thanks B,
    I really needed this video message today. Feeling rather stuck and don’t really have a vision right now for a compelling future. I’m totally stuck in my “old story.” Feeling overwhelming fear…Insecurity and feeling not good enough. I’ll will try to rewrite it now.

    1. So glad this was timely for you, and prompts a rewrite of that old story. Reach out if you need any other resources, we have plenty, but as you know… starting with rewriting that old story comes first 🙂 Love to you. Bx

  4. I always thought I was a free spirit. And although I know I am by now, these little reminders sometimes hit home; “give yourself permission” so simple, yet so powerful. I’m in the middle of creating a clear vision using the ‘Your best year yet’ course. Just thinking about the fact that I am doing this course gives me a massive energy boost throughout the day! I’m so thankful that you showed up in my life. Made me tons lighter and much more relaxt. Also, I love the book recommendations in your video’s/audio’s some of those really resonate with me. As Wookiefoot sing in their song (called “Your it”);

    “… and sometimes you’ll find yourself adrift… and sometimes you’ll be adrift and find yourself…. Cause you’re it!”

    Thank you, keep doing what you do ????

    Good things!

    1. Love it Rebecca!! So glad to have you in our community and to be sharing “Your Best Year Yet” workshop with you. Keep in touch, look forward to sharing this journey with you. Love, B. PS. Those lyrics are so good!! Wise 🙂

    1. Hey Jon, delighted to share the vid with you, and hope you enjoy our other resources on purpose, goals, passion etc that we have on the website, all there to help you craft a vision based on what is meaningful and values aligned for you. Reach out if you want me to point you to specific resources, if there is anything in particular you’re struggling with. B 🙂

  5. Thank you for this expanding video Bernadette! I’m now sitting here wondering who I’ve given permission to in my life. I’m at the “what/who do I want to be now that I’m ‘grown’?” Phase and have little idea yet am hopeful for a happier, joyful future. Thank you!

    1. Hi Hope! So glad this has prompted an expansive sense and reflection for you. So many possibilities ahead!!! Love, B

  6. Thank you, B! I love your take on things. I’m very happy with my life, but when thinking about the work part, I always feel I should be doing something different. I guess when the time is right it’ll happen. Until then……I’m very happy and content doing what I do! I look forward to, and appreciate your messages!! 🙂

    1. Thank you for being a part of our community Kim!! Much love, and look forward to sharing more with you. Have a wonderful day! Bx

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with clients both 1:1 and in groups, she helps women to reconnect and align with their soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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