Spiritual Life Coach

You Make a Difference

5 ways your purchase helps our world

We believe in the philosophy “no one is left behind”.

As we individually breakthrough and accelerate into new levels of soulfulness front and center in our lives, we remember the need for a collective awakening. There are others in our world that very much want these same breakthroughs and acceleration too, but need a little help.

Our pay-it-forward approach is that those who have the means to purchase programs and coaching are making it possible for our organization to continue creating resources and support for those who cannot.

When you purchase, you create a cascading effect of love. HERE'S HOW…

1. Free Life Changing Resources

We put an immense amount of TLC (time, love and care) into creating publicly available free resources that anyone can access, to self guide their journey with material that will allow them to breakthrough and accelerate.

2. Guiding Touch Point

We receive a large volume of messages via social media and email every year from people asking B for personal guidance, tips, insights and healing support, where they are not able to engage in our services. No one is left behind. Every person receives a supportive response, with reference to the most relevant resources available, and suggestions to help them on their next step.

3. Scholarships

B provides a number of scholarships, full or partial, to selected people each year, as guided to. Our paying clients make this possible, so that people experiencing limitations have the chance to take the incredible journey with coaching support for their own soul breakthroughs and acceleration.

4. Free Workshops & Events

Throughout the year B hosts free public online workshops and live online events to support the wider community of people interested in awakening their soul and living in the magic of life. These are designed to provide inspiring, practical information and advice in the hopes that all those who want support for their journey can get it.

5. Speaking

As often as possible B speaks on podcasts, interviews or at other people’s events in order to spread soul-filling, loving, inspiring and practical information, to help uplift the collective consciousness and energy of our world.

Other Charitable Donations:

Over 210,500 Meals Provided via a Leading Hunger Relief Non Profit Organization

Over $13,500 for Poverty Relief & Related Causes

Free Resources to Live a Soul Aligned & Magical Life

Get regular inspiring resources and emails supporting you to live a soul aligned, awakened and magical life. Including my Soul Answers Free Guide:

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