Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

If you're ready for transformative Spiritual Life Coaching with me find out more here.

How to Be More Confident

Lack of confidence keeps so many people stuck. Stuck in situations they don't like. Holding themselves back from achieving their goals and dreams. Staying small, nervous, anxious and fearful in their relationships, social settings and workplace. And let's be honest… life is just TOO short for that!

What most successful people seem to have in common is that they have confidence in who they are and in what they're doing. That confidence is magnetic. It makes what they do look effortless.

And while it's not that confidence all of a sudden makes life really easy, it certainly is a KEY ingredient to having your optimal, happy, healthy and powerful life!

If you lack confidence in certain situations, or perhaps you have a pervading sense of low confidence affecting all areas of your life, the short video below is to help you ZONE IN on the root cause.  Once you know WHY you lack confidence, you're in a great position to resolve the real issue and your confidence will naturally rise…

How to Be More Confident

Leave me a comment below and let me know what resonates from this video, and what your main takeaway is.

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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16 Responses

  1. I love this, thank you!
    I’m wondering if there are any big “ahas!” or things I can do/work on while trying to regain and rebuild confidence while dealing with chronic illness and pain (chronic migraine and cluster headache, Endometriosis)? I seem to get 3 steps ahead on decent days and 5 behind on pain days.

    1. Hi Mabel, I hear you. Have you used meditation before? What about EFT (tapping)? I recommend both as daily rituals to support yourself. Here’s a link to our EFT tapping guide – https://www.bernadettelogue.com/eft-tapping/
      and we also have loads of meditation and affirmation audios (to stream on the website free, or we have an audio set for sale with 40 affirmation, meditation, visualization audios to download). Sending love and warmest wishes for your healing and confidence building. B 🙂

      1. Wonderful advice! I have a daily meditation practice, but will utilize the resources for EFT (tapping) as I have not explored this. Thank you so much for the time in responding and including a few new ideas for me to incorporate! Blessings, M

  2. Hi Bernadette, Thank you so much for your time! You are so adorable! You are a beautiful person for reaching out to people like me. I can only afford counseling once a month so this is great! I am 67 years old raised in old fashion Italian family. Very dysfunsional. Lots of problems. Working out one at a time. I go in and out of self confidence. My weight has a lot to Do with it. I am 4’11 and a 150lbs. I lost 15 lbs when we moved to Florida for 3 years! I was flying high with confidence. Since we moved back to N.Y. I put it back on. So cold here I’ve just been nesting. I am also an emotional eater. So I am now going back to work and it’s getting warmer so I can be a little more active. So do I work on the eating part first.
    I know I have underlying issues about a lot of things.
    Again thank you,

    1. Hey Barbara, lovely to connect with you and it’s such a pleasure to have you in our community. Thanks for sharing your own journey. I send big love your way! Bernadette 🙂

      1. I love yu videos.i look at them daily.i am trying to let go of an alcoholic spouse.not easy.can yu help me b.thanks mary

        1. Hi Mary, thanks for reaching out, glad to hear you love the videos. With letting go of a relationship, let me know what you most struggle with – then if I have resources on those topics I can direct you to those by sharing links here. With “trying to let go”, what is most difficult for you? Is it fear that you’ll regret it, fear of being alone, uncertainty about the path ahead? If you can zone in on what is stopping you from moving on and moving forward, then address those specific issues. Take some time to reflect and you can let me know if you wish, and I’ll see if we have any resources specifically to support your situation. Warmest wishes! B

  3. You have helped a lot.now will take on board your help.
    My work as a care worker is grinding me down 26years I have worked at this and I have never had bully managers like these ones in the clinic.

    1. Hi Carolyn, thanks for sharing, and so glad this resource has helped. We have lots of resources for handling difficult people, difficult conversations, conflict situations, so please do dive in and use those free tools if that is useful. Reach out anytime. Love, Bernadette

  4. SO MUCH LOVED this reminder of yours today, thank you! Your boldness inspires me and starts to feel like something I am owning at last 🙂 Much love your way and blessings always XOXOXO

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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