Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

If you're ready for transformative Spiritual Life Coaching with me find out more here.

Mantra “I am Strong & I Can do This!”

The mantra today is… “I am strong & I can do this!”

Are you facing a challenge in your life?

Or wanting to excel in achieving a goal?

The worst thing to be believing, thinking of feeling in your life is “I can't”.

The second you go there you disempower yourself completely. It's like rapidly deflating a balloon! And you have the ability to do that to yourself, or not! It's totally in your control.

The mantra “I am strong & I can do this!” when used in a specific way, will draw out of you an inner strength that you might not realise you have!

Replace your worry, doubt, fear, and “can't” with full-blown empowerment to rocket you forward…

I am Strong & I Can Do This!

Use the tips in this Daily Inspiration video and see what a difference it makes! And please do leave a comment below with your own thoughts, experiences or personal mantra you love to use, I'd love to hear from you.

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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23 Responses

  1. Your emails and videos are always just what I need to hear! I love the messages you bring. I have just made the decision recently to take a class on website development that will help me build a new career. It’s scary, and I’m not sure how those around me will react to this decision, but I know it’s the right move for me. So, I will definitely be using this mantra as I move forward! Thank you!

    1. That’s so exciting Elizabeth!! Wishing you well with the class and building a new career. May that strength rise up boldly from within you!! Love, B

  2. I’m enjoying you so much . Helping in my life and passing it on to others who need a boost .
    Thanks from Canada ????????

    1. Hey Shelley! Lovely to connect with you. So glad to hear the resources are helpful for you, and thanks for sharing them with others who may benefit. I appreciate it. Much love to you in Canada. Bernadette 🙂

  3. Ive got some problems with my job at the moment and I need to be patient and wait for some things to be sorted out;im self employed and cant work until theses problems are sorted.Like everyone I need to work to fulfil my financial commitments;i like your mantra and am going to try use it so I don’t fall apart waiting for things to work out,thanks for the inspiration Bernadette

    1. Hey Steve, I hear you! It can be challenging when things are outside of our control, and when they also have such a big impact on our lives/livelihood! I send you very best wishes and I hope the mantra will be a support at this time. You might also find listening to affirmations audios daily a useful mindset booster during this time. On the Free Resources page (under the menu “Learn” on the website) you’ll see the 400 Powerfully Positive Affirmations free audio download, it helps many people to stay empowered and positive so I hope it is useful for you. All the best! Bernadette

    1. Hey Katie, thanks for your lovely message! So glad the videos are helpful. Blessings to you!! B 🙂

  4. Warmest greetings to you Bernadette????
    THank you again for your angelic efforts at uplifting and inspiring others.I am particularly drawn to your ideas and expressions and I feel myself already benefiting from your support..
    It’s just what I needed in the manner that I needed…words cannot fully explain the enthusiasm and gratitude i experience these days which is changing the way I think….
    My close relationships with parents,husband,sibling and 4 children(by age 30) helped me grow fast but sometimes without enough personal care I have always struggled with mixed emotions leaving me confused and guilty…always pushing myself too hard and I am determined to find balance in all aspects of my life and achieve my dreams and passions without feeling fear and resentment.I would wholeheartedly appreciate your suggestions in these matters.
    Lots and lots of love and prayers

    1. Hey Fatima, so lovely to have you in our community. I always appreciate your thoughtful messages and sharing. You mentioned wanting to achieve your passions without feeling fear – if you haven’t seen it yet I have a free online class called Overcoming Fear, it’s on the Free Resources page (under “Learn” on the main menu) in case it’s helpful. It’s packed with practical tips! I wish you the absolute best! Love, Bernadette

  5. I needed to hear this today….My life is transforming again…coming into alignment and the changes I have to make are scary! Thankyou B

  6. Hi Bernadette,

    Loved your clip!
    Perfect for what I need to help me overcome my fears and build my confidence.

    Thank you so much!


    1. Hey Ania, awesome. Sending you best wishes… for strength to rise up within you. Also… we have lots of free resources for overcoming fear and lifting confidence on the website if you want more support. ???? B

  7. Thank you! “I am STRONG & I CAN do this”, I can be a happier person, that not overthink stuff and be proud of my self.
    I can stop waiting for an answer of what to do with mi life and take a decision regarding my relationship

  8. Bernadette you are fantastic! Thank you for this! I needed to remind myself where the strength comes from …within! I will definitely share and continue to listen!

  9. Hi Bernadette, I’m just coming out of an 8 month deep depression. My daughter sent you to me and you have indeed been an inspiration. I am 2 months into “How to make this my best year yet” and I’m learning French to do just that!! Thank you for your daily positives. Really like “I am strong and I can do this” video.
    Thanks again
    Love Heather x

    1. Hey Heather! So happy to connect with you. I’m so pleased to share the resources and the Best Year Yet workshop with you, to support you on your journey. Reach out anytime if you need anything. Yes… you are strong and you can totally do this!! Love, Bx

  10. Hi B, 3 days ago 2 of my friends studying with decided they would tell me how to do something in relation to my work. Basically accusing me of something I never did. What was heartbreaking for me was that they came mask and I didn’t recognise it. I have been in a rut since and starting looking for affirmation to get me through when I came across your work. I am so grateful for the work you are doing and I have listened to a few of your videos already and I just wanted to let you know that it’s really helping me get back. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. So glad the resources are helpful for you Mira and wishing you well as you move past this recent incident. Love, B

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with clients both 1:1 and in groups, she helps women to reconnect and align with their soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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