Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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Live Life to the Fullest! What Are You Waiting For?

When will you live life to the fullest?

If not now, then when?

What are you waiting for?

Next, let's dive in and have a conversation that matters. 

Below the surface. Below the day to day “stuff” that consumes you…

11 Trigger Questions – It's Time to Live Life to the Fullest

  1. Where am I tolerating suffering in my life? Where has it become “normal”? Have I become so familiar with suffering that I've accepted it as “my lot”?
  2. Where is my intuition telling me to do something, and I'm ignoring it and not taking action?
  3. Where is my intuition telling me to stop doing something, and I'm ignoring it and I keep going down the same old path?
  4. Am I doing things with my life that are meaningful and satisfying to me?
  5. What do I think I'm missing (within myself or in my circumstances) that prevents me from living life to the fullest?
  6. Am I holding myself back because I'm “waiting” to get more information, or get more motivation, or get more courage, or get more support?
  7. If I'm honest, can I see that there is nothing to wait for? That the information, motivation, courage and support I need are all available to me if I get moving and start to take ownership for living my life fully.
  8. Am I playing small? And if so, am I ready to live my best self and my best life, even if I don't know exactly HOW to do that?
  9. Am I trying to control the exact flow of events in my life – dictating what must happen first before other things can happen, dictating the way my dreams must came to pass? Am I saying it has to be my way or no way at all?
  10. What will it take for me to WAKE UP and see myself and my life differently? At what point will I be willing to do things differently, to open my mind and heart, to give myself PERMISSION to go for it, so I can live my life to the fullest?
  11. Am I prepared to look back on my life in 5, 10, 50 years and say I didn't live my life fully?

The Truth

  • No one else misses out if you don't live life to the fullest – it's just you that misses out.
  • No else is coming to save you from your challenges, issues, fears or concerns – because you have everything you need IN YOU already in order for you to breakthrough. There is an endless supply of ideas, support, resources and tools to help you tap into your capability. But you have to WANT IT.
  • Your desires and dreams, all that you sense to be possible… it's all REAL. It's breathing through you, calling you forth, wanting to come to life! But you have to BELIEVE in it and believe in yourself.

Start Now

  1. Make a commitment to yourself right now, that you will do your best to live life to the fullest.
  2. Write down what it means to you to live life to the fullest.
  3. Write down how it would FEEL if you were living your life fully.
  4. What would change in your life right now if you were to really honor your intuition, and you were to step through fear, and courageously live fully? What types of actions would you be taking right now if you were living your life fully?
  5. Make one new choice right now or take one new action right now that will bring this exercise off the paper and into your reality. Activate something, anything, that will shift you forward. One small step is all it takes…

Change your perspective about living fully – think about “living life to the fullest” in terms of each day. Often times people become overwhelmed thinking that to live fully means doing dramatic, big, life-changing things. It might for some people. It might at certain key turning points on your life journey. But in many cases…

it's the choices you make in each moment of each day that add up to a life lived fully.

You are the Director of your life! You can take the wheel and steer.

Each moment asks you to listen to your soul.

Listen to your passions. Listen to your dreams.

Let every cell of your body sing loud for those dreams.

This is YOUR LIFE!

What are you waiting for?

We all have dreams. We all have fears!

The only question is – which will you listen to?

Will your life be led by your dreams? Or will your fears run riot?




I believe in you.

Love, Bernadette

What Are You Waiting For?

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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8 Responses

  1. Thank you Bernadette. That was awesome and so timely. I have been sitting on the fence for so long and it’s getting to the point of being really uncomfortable. The way you explain it makes it a little easier to even consider moving towards my dreams.

  2. I’m 62. I am responsible for the physical and emotional care of my mother. This is not my dream. I eek out moments but my life is currently consumed with supporting her and supporting myself so that I can support her. I am not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Nora
      I hear you! Sending much love your way. And yes definitely there are periods in our life journey when we find ourselves in situations where we are called forth to serve in ways we might not have anticipated or chosen for ourselves, and nevertheless, are such important times. It’s all about how we can find purpose, meaning, peace and even passion in those times, in those situations… to look more deeply below the surface – where we often find life is asking us to go to a place within ourselves we haven’t been before. Personally, for what it’s worth, I normally consult my numerology and astrology to help me understand and find the growth points available in particularly challenging times, to see what life/energy might be calling me to evolve into. I also feel like there is a way forward in such situations, if we can make peace with what is, and open up to how we might live fully from that position. Instead of it being the obstacle, how might it be the path… ???? And it’s very important that you do carve out those moments for yourself, because to do so not only helps you to remain centered and open, but it allows you to remain balanced and well in order to be able to care for another. I hope the resources we offer here may be a small support towards that on your journey. We have lots of beautiful affirmation and meditation audios 🙂 Sending love, Bernadette

      1. Thank you Nora for asking the question and B for the thoughtful response. I am 55 and find myself in the same circumstance as Nora. I appreciate your loving suggestions … I shall start looking for that path! 🙂
        B, would you suggest resources for a newbie for numerology/astrology?
        Thank you for all you do. You are a treasure. 🥰

        1. Hi Lisa!
          For resources, I love these ones…
          – Book by Dan Millman “The Life You Were Born to Live”
          – Resources from Michelle Buchanan, Numerologist (including Youtube monthly videos, books and she does 1:1 sessions and personalized reports).
          – Christine Delorey’s website http://www.creativenumerology.com
          I have had a personalized session done with Donna Page https://lovinglightastrologer.com/
          And then on Youtube I listen to a variety of people but there are none specifically that I would recommend over and above others, just whoever’s style of communication and energy suits your vibe 🙂
          I hope that helps!

  3. My Dearest Bernadette,

    I just can’t thank you for all your inspirational, encouraging and uplifting advice you’ve been giving us for such a long time! From the bottom of my heart, many many heartfelt THANKS to you and your family! Wish you All But the very Best!

    Thank you!

    1. You’re very welcome lovely!! Sending good vibes across the world to you. Thanks for being a part of our community.

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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