Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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Tips for How to Get Your Priorities Right

There are so many things in life that call for your attention. Responsibilities and commitments, work, family, friends, health, finances, your goals, and even crises.

The Juggling Act

Life is one big myriad of expected and unexpected balls you have to juggle. It’s like a lot of things shouting at you all at once, and you’re trying to figure out which one to pay attention to!

With all those things swimming around in your head, and cropping up in daily life needing to be dealt with, it’s no wonder you might feel a little overwhelmed at times. I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life that I’ve felt like a hamster on a wheel just trying to keep up with everything.

Costs & Benefits

Not understanding your priorities can cause you unnecessary chaos. You might accidentally end up trying to give yourself to everything. That's not uncommon, as many people feel pressure to “do it all and do it well”, and deeming any inability to cope as being failure or weakness.

Unfortunately, that means that while juggling too many balls you are either doing lots of things sub-optimally or you do everything really well but you’re completely burnt out as a result!

Knowing what your priorities are makes a transformational difference to your life. This is no understatement. It will allow you to be focused, efficient and effective in what you do, and ensures you are doing things that actually matter, and thus make you happy. Once you know your priorities, you have the chance to consciously say yes to them, and consciously say no to other things.

Knowing and living your priorities gives a great sense of relief, because you can fully enjoy what you do without worrying about all the lesser priorities and feeling bothered, stressed or guilty that you’re not focusing on them. After all, you can’t be everything to everyone. You’re human and there’s only so much of you to go around!

Whose Life Are You Living?

Getting your priorities right means you can live aligned to what is meaningful and important to YOU (rather than being on auto-pilot, defaulting to society’s model of priorities, or living to other people’s priorities and agendas).

Getting Practical & Getting Aligned

So in the vlog above it's all about HOW to get your priorities right – you'll be defining what your priorities are (unique to you), and perhaps more importantly, feeling empowered to actually live them!

To share your insights, experiences or to ask a questions, please scroll down below and leave a comment. I'll reply right back to you as soon as possible.

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with clients both 1:1 and in groups, she helps women to reconnect and align with their soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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