Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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3 Tips to Trust Yourself & The Path You’re On

There are 3 things that can make you not trust yourself, and pull you off your path in life. So in this Daily Inspiration video, I'm sharing how to ensure that doesn't happen to you!

It's SO important that you learn to trust yourself, to trust your intuition, trust the universe supports you, trust your decisions, and the goals and dreams that inspire you. If you don't, you suffer a life influenced by fear, everyone else's expectations, and you miss out on your fullest potential.

There is a highest path for you in this life. A design that sees you living it up, doing all that you're capable of, and enjoying everything that comes from that.

BUT… it entirely rests upon you zoning into your inner knowing, and zoning out noise around you that might make you wavier, wobble and fall off that path.

3 Tips to Trust Yourself & the Path You're On

1. The Only Approval You Need is Your Own!

The only approval you need for whatever path you're on, is your own. Don't look for other people to buy into what you're doing, to approve of you or to validate your choices and direction. Blaze your own trail. Zone into your intuition, lock onto that inner knowing, and let it guide you as a compass for your unique life path. That path doesn't have to make sense to anyone else! And perhaps often it won't!

2. Don't Take Other People's Paradigm Onboard

When other people share their opinions of what you “should” and “shouldn't” do, remember that it's coming out of their own worldview. Their opinion is not truth, it's just opinion, based on everything THEY have been through in their own life (how they were raised, their own education and experiences, their own unique failures and successes, their own cultural conditioning, their own fears, beliefs and thoughts). If you buy their viewpoint as your truth, you'll end up living their life path not yours!

So when people tell you their own view, their concerns, their fears, their perspective of risks, their opinion of what will or won't work, what you should or shouldn't do…

  • Say thank you
  • Smile and nod
  • If it's constructive and useful, see what value you can take from it and apply to your own path, but TRUST YOUR INTUITION first and foremost
  • If it's negative, deflect it and keep on moving

3. Be Conscious of Who You Share With

Your intuition is sacred, it's your soul speaking to you. Your goals and dreams are to be cherished. Choose wisely who you share these things with. Not everyone has qualified the right to be that close to your heart. And not everyone s equipped to be supportive. So if you have Negative Nellies in your life, who have proven to you that they are not supportive, it's valid to not share with them, and instead to seek out positive and like-minded people who will lift you up.

With love, Bernadette

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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7 Responses

  1. I particularly loved this daily inspiration, B! Thank you so much. It is so easy to think that someone’s opinions are more valid than your own, and this is a great reminder that just isn’t true.

  2. Bernadette,

    I really enjoyed this vlog… it was so honest about how people project what is going on in their inner world. I have to say that my paradigm has started shifting towards the positive side of life.I even find myself more in the flow of the universe and trust my own compass more than ever!

    1. That’s awesome Cristal!! I send you my best wishes for your journey. Thanks for your message. With love, B

  3. Thanks B!
    Great video! It was perfect for me this week. It’s sometimes hard to let your kids grow up. My son is gradating from college in two weeks. When he told me what he decided upon for his first job out of college, I was definitely too judgmental and tried to talk him out of it. His reply to me was exactly what he should say and what I, his loving mother needed to hear.
    “Mom, I’ll make my own decision and will do well in whatever I do.” I learned a great lesson from him in that reply and I’m very proud of him for not listening to me!
    Thank you,

    1. Awesome!! I love that he replied this way, and that you had your mind and heart open to receive it as the beautiful message it was. LOVE!! Bxx

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with clients both 1:1 and in groups, she helps women to reconnect and align with their soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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