Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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Are You Unconditional with Your Love & Kindness? Or Do You Have Limits?

Unconditional love.

We'd all like to think we're unconditionally loving people, and that we offer unconditional kindness, compassionate and politeness.

We all certainly want to receive that from other people too.

But – if you're really committed to your personal growth, which I know you are… as you're here reading this!! Then it's time to ask…


What I mean by criteria is this…

  • In what situations do you CUT OFF your love and kindness from another person?
  • Do they have to be a certain way in order to get that love and kindness from you?

I always like to say, “It's easy to love the people we love.”


But what about people we don't love naturally. The people who might not behave the way we want. Do we not be loving and kind toward them?

If you make your love and kindness conditional… then guess what happens?

Humanity (including you!) continues to suffer a yo yo cycle.

People being nice when they feel nice, and being awful when they feel awful.

People being kind, so long as other people are being nice to them, and being unkind as soon as other people are unkind to them.

Someone has to HOLD THE LIGHT consistently.

That means unconditional love and kindness – A.L.L  T.H.E  T.I.M.E!

That someone is you. And me.

So here we go – let's dive in…

The Practice of Unconditional Love & Kindness

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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6 Responses

  1. Hahah I’m guilty of this!

    There was a man being very rude and obnoxious to the nice lady at the grocery store yesterday, so I stuck up for her and told him to get real and get a life!

    Hmmmm … I guess I was rude to him but it was only because I don’t like people being nasty for no reason. I told him to be nice too..

    Any recommendations for these types of situations?

    Thanks !

    1. Yes! We can assert boundaries, and state what is true, to make a stand for what isn’t okay, and to do so with calm, clear and confident communication. That is different to being rude. Our emotions taking us over and blurting out is what takes a clear and confident message from being direct and effective into being an attack. And someone on the receiving end of direct, clear communication gets the message, whereas someone on the end of attack immediately resists and seeks to defend. Hope that makes sense!

  2. Like for petty situations I mean..

    I find it easier to be mindful and shift my mindset for bigger things if that makes sense

    1. Yes makes sense. And yet it’s the small daily moments in life which is where we can demonstrate who we really are, and where we can energetically often make the most difference. Many small moments add up to one big life path! B 🙂

  3. Its too hard to hold the light consistently. You start to see how awful people are and its depressing and draining. Sometimes, I can’t even comprehend how cruel people are. And, it seems like its next to impossible to find people that believe and are striving for the values I believe in – free love, compassion, listening, empathy, etc. Just when I think I have met a friend that shares those values, they do or say something thats shocking to me. They say something so awful or cruel. Then I wonder is it me? Are my expectations too high? Or am I trying to be superior- is it my ego? Or is it just that finding people like me is like finding a needle in a haystack?

    1. Hi Matt
      I hear you, and please retain the hope and faith in humanity. There are lots of us with those same values all over the planet, and yes there are also lots of people who don’t have those values. And that said, even people who want to live from love, compassion, listening, empathy etc are still human, and we all have our raw nerves, hot buttons, triggers, needs/wants, baggage, beliefs etc so even the best aligned people will sometimes surprise you when they show you their own raw humanity. I try to remember in those times… I’m in no position to judge, as I have those same human frailties as we all do (no escaping the ego even when we learn to transcend it as best we can, it’s still a part of our humanity0. I also encourage you to train your mindset to focus on the belief that the planet is filled with loving light people who align with your same values, and you are a magnet for them. It’s amazing what miracles happen when you focus on that!!! I can share other resources with you to help you shift your mindset, energy and vibration into alignment with more of what you want to experience, if you’re interested. Let me know and I can provide links for you.
      With love and best wishes!
      (PS We have loads of values aligned loving people in our community, so you’re in the right place, and you’re welcome here!)

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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