Spiritual Life Coach
Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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How to Rapidly Breakthrough When Feeling Stuck

If you are willing to do this one thing, you can have a rapid breakthrough from any position of feeling stuck, no matter what your circumstance.

The power is within you, and you can harness it if you're ready and willing.

It takes very little time, and it is not “difficult” as such. It all comes down to how much you want to breakthrough and then a conscious choice…

How to Rapidly Breakthrough When Feeling Stuck

I'd love to hear from you on this topic – your comments, experiences, or questions.

So please do leave a comment below. Let me know:

  • What are you feeling most stuck with / about?
  • What did this vlog stir in you?
  • Can you see what has been holding you back?
  • What is your new choice now?

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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22 Responses

  1. Thanks Bernadette. That was an excellent prompt to recognise the several stories, and variations thereon, I repeatedly tell myself every day. Time to drop them!

    1. You’re welcome Eleanor. So great to get your message and to know this was helpful for you. I regularly check myself to see what “stories” I am living within! We have to keep on top of our minds and keep them in check, least they take over and carry us into all sorts of unhelpful places. It’s refreshing to live from higher awareness and free will to choose whether to buy the thoughts in our mind or not. Sending warmest wishes to you for 2016! B 🙂

    1. Hey Lynn, so glad to know this was helpful for you. Thanks for being in our community and I look forward to continuing to share resources with you. Love, Bernadette

  2. Finally started reading your books (that I downloaded ages ago, but never actually opened) after I (got landed with? soul decided to have?) an inflamed tendon in my right arm and I have had to take a major break from most writing, housework, etc, etc… Thank you very much for sharing your journey, it has been triggering a lot of stuff and signals while I was reading! (Bee in my car, loads of flies indoors, Bridge over Troubled Water, etc, etc…)

    My old story is ‘the universe is out to get me’. You are right – I will be much better off re-writing that one!
    Thankyou again.

    1. So glad to share the books with you. Phew… so glad to hear you caught that story “Universe is out to get me” – that’s definitely one to drop and rewrite!! Great work! Big love, Bx

  3. Thank you so much! I needed to hear that. I’m in a situation at work and I went from loving my job to emotionally crying everyday when my new manager looks at me. I have been repeating the same negative story over and over again! I need to re-write my story abs and take my life back. Thanks for opening my eyes!

    1. Power to you!! Yes…. take your life back. Nothing and no one can make you powerless. While it might be a situation you don’t want, it’s all about finding the most empowering way to look at it and deal with it, in order to “get through” and create positive change where possible. Love, B

  4. Thank you for this video! My “story” for the past few years has been a drug using husband. 15 months ago I had him move out. 4 months ago we divorced. He still comes around, making empty statements about quitting drugs and coming home. I have allowed myself to be an option and not a choice. He has always chosen drugs. Now I know that this is his story – not mine. I CAN pick myself up, and move on to a life without him, his drugs, and all that comes with them. There is a light at the end of my tunnel. I just have to work toward it.

    1. Hey, thanks for sharing your situation. I’m so glad to hear you can see the light and are moving toward it. And much respect to you for making the tough choices, picking yourself up and focusing forward, to take care of yourself and your wellbeing. With love, B

  5. Bernadette you are amazing the way you understand the “human” mind. Thank you especially for your insight today

  6. Thanks so much for the video. You are such an encouraging soul. Yes, it is time to re-write the story. I had fallen into negative thinking patterns after struggling with grief and all of its family entanglements. It is time to re-write my own story and get on with life. 🙂

    1. Sending much love to you, for healing grief and for taking your empowered path forward Barbara. Love, B

  7. Thank you for this Bernadette. I needed to watch this today; someone from my past who hurt me deeply with no explanation as to why has recently been back in my life- it has done nothing but cause me anxiety and hurt/depressed thoughts. I need to be strong and realize it is not healthy for me to have him in my life in any way, shape, or form. Take my thoughts and ‘power’ back- It’s a very hard thing to do, especially when you cared for someone so deeply, but I have got to change my ‘story’ and not look back. I deserve to be a priority not an option when it’s convenient.

    1. Yes, you deserve to be a priority!! Take the empowered path, trust that when you value yourself more, you will naturally align with people who value you too.

  8. B ,
    Your words , your talk above is super healing .
    I’m going to re-read your emails again and watch your video because they made a positive impact on me .
    Thank you very much .

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Founder of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to reconnect and align with your soul for a life of purpose, fulfillment and magic.

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