Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

If you're ready for transformative Spiritual Life Coaching with me find out more here.

Stressed Out? 7 Steps to Take Control

Stressed out and unsure how to cope with everything you've got to juggle?

There's nothing wrong with you if you feel this way. You just need to take a moment to recalibrate!

Stop, pause, breathe. Then, grab a pen and paper, and watch this Daily Inspiration video with 7 simple steps you can apply right now to feel calmer and more in control…

7 Steps to Take Control When Stressed Out

  1. Braindump everything that's going on in your mind that's stressing you out.
  2. Notice what items on your list are future focused.
  3. Answer, “What can I do right now?” Chunk it down – what is in my control and available for me proactively do?
  4. Give yourself a break and be real. Acknowledge – “I can only do what I can do, and what I can do is more than enough.”
  5. Take 1 small step. Take action onsomething that's within your control to progress forward.
  6. BREATHE! 
  7. Life Anchors – Remember to keep yourself anchored with rituals that support your wellbeing. Think of a ship that drops its anchor in stormy weather. (Note – Life anchors are normally the FIRST THING PEOPLE DROP when they get busy and stressed out, and they're actually the LAST THING YOU SHOULD DROP when busy and stressed out!)

Which steps will you start applying today to help yourself shift from stress into calm?

You might already be using some of the recommended tips – in which case look for ways you can tweak things and gradually take back more personal power over your thoughts, feelings and situation.

With love, Bernadette

PS. Remember. BREATHE!

Start Slow, Deep, Rythmic Breathing Now…

Match your breathing rhythm to the expansion and contraction of the image below. Breathe into calm.

stressed out

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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4 Responses

  1. I love your information but I find the videos just too lengthy and I would love to be able to save articles. Could you please produce more articles and less videos?

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Bernadette Logue - Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach, Author and the Creator of Soul Odyssey. With over 12 years of experience working with people both 1:1 and in groups, she helps you to understand your soul, purpose and soul journey, clear all psychological and emotional limitations holding you back, so you can live the life of fulfillment and magic you really want.

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