Spiritual Life Coach

I'm excited to share this resource with you, I hope you find it helpful!

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The 14 Day Gratitude Game

If you want more pep in your step, more flow in your life, more spark in your heart… join me to do an incredibly simple, quick and highly EFFECTIVE daily ritual that will do all of the above and more.

This involves ONE MINUTE per day.

Would you spend one minute per day for all of this goodness?

If yes, I applaud you and in addition to all the benefits of this 14 Day Game, I have a gift for you too! More on that further below.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle

First, for you to have more:

  • Pep, flow and spark
  • Signs, synchronicity, slipstream, magic and miracles
  • Opportunities, connections, support, relationships
  • Abundance, expansion, creativity, inspiration
  • Health, wellness, happiness, peace
  • Answers, clarity, direction, intuition

… I recommend living by this principle:

Where your attention goes
energy flows
Where your energy flows
something grows

Whatever you place your attention on is going to consume your mind and thus influence your feeling state.

As you funnel your thoughts and feelings in a conscious direction, your energy changes (the actual energetic vibration of you that is broadcasting to life). 

You also progressively start to behave, interact, speak and choose differently based on what you've consciously chosen to focus on.

And life responds to all of this, to your vibrational change.

You are an INSIDE OUT creator, so what you place your attention on is MASSIVELY important.

If you place your attention on gratitude as a daily practice, it has the power to transform your life.

In fact this just the other day at CrossFit I was chatting to a friend, and saying how glowing she looked. She said everyone comments on it all the time. She's 50, and she looks 30! I asked her, “What's your secret?”

She said, “Nothing, just every day saying thank you, thank you, thank you to life”.

Gratitude is her wellness routine. Gratitude is her glow. Gratitude is her booming business. Gratitude is her everything.

So get ready to play the 14 Day GRATITUDE GAME.

Here's How it Works – The Gratitude Game…

Every day for 14 days (starting today) simply write down one thing you’re super grateful for.

TIP: You can:

  • write it on a piece of paper and put in a “gratitude jar” (any old jar will do)
  • or write in your journal
  • or make a collage, poster or mindmap
  • or post your gratitude on social media to share the good vibes with others!

Below you will find 14 daily gratitude prompts to support your ritual (including a PDF Guide Free Download), but you can also freestyle and do whatever feels good!

“If what you think about is what creates your reality, and what you think about is what's missing in your life, then you will have to attract more of what's missing into your life.” – Dr Wayne Dyer

14 Days of Gratitude – Daily Prompts

Day 1
What brings me most joy in this world, that I’m grateful for, is…

Day 2
The person that I am most grateful for right now is…

Day 3
The strength, quality, gift or trait of my personality that I am most grateful for is…

Day 4
The inspiring new possibility for my life that I’m most excited about and grateful for is…

Day 5
The part of my body that I am most grateful for is…

Day 6
I am so grateful to have learned the life lesson of …

Day 7
The part of mother nature that I am most grateful for is…

Day 8
The thing about humanity that I am most grateful for is…

Day 9
The challenge in my life that I am most grateful to have overcome is…

Day 10
Of all the freedoms that I have in my life right now, the one I’m most grateful for is the freedom to…

Day 11
One thing I sometimes take for granted but for which I am so super grateful is…

Day 12
The greatest blessing in my life to date that I’m grateful for is…

Day 13
In my environment where I live, work or travel, the space that I’m most grateful for is…

Day 14
The accomplishment in my life that I’m most proud of and grateful for is…

Extra Gratitude Prompts:

What I have in myself or my life right now that I didn’t have before, which I’m so grateful for is…

The thing I am most grateful to be able to do in my life right now is…

What gives me a sense of comfort that I’m grateful for is…

What inspires and motivates me most right now, and I’m grateful for it, is…

The thing that makes me happiest in life which I’m grateful for is…

The thing I am most grateful to be able to do in my life right now is…

I'm choosing a future that is filled with…. and I feel such gratitude already for it now, knowing that future is already manifested and I'm about to step into it!

Free 14 Day Gratitude Guide PDF

3 Steps to Designing YOUR

Soul-Aligned Life

Discover how to honor your soul calling you into MORE! Clarify your soul’s plan & purpose + get ready to break free from those things preventing you from creating a life deeply aligned with who you really are & what you’re here to live!

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Spiritual Life Coach

About Bernadette Logue

B is a Spiritual Life Coach & Author with over a decade of experience working with clients online, both one-on-one and in groups, helping them to reconnect and align with their soul for a more purposeful, fulfilling, and magical life.

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